White Shepherd Dogs - Puppies from the breeding White Energy, Germany
Are you looking for a puppy?
Welcome to the Ruhrgebiet, in the heart of Nordrhein Westfalen
Share our passion for these white bundles of energy - the White Shepherd dogs of White Energy
The official breed name: White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Berger Blanc Suisse)
For over 10 years we have been breeding the white shepherd dogs with great success - our puppies are unique...
At the moment our pack consists of 8 dogs, that have won outstanding awards and have pedigrees worth seeing
You may book a White Shepherd in advance
G litter of white Energy
Neros du Glacier des Loups & Alfalfa of white Energy
we have 4 boys and 5 girls! More here

The character of the White Shepherd Dog
In character and appearance the White Shepherd is very distinct from the German Sheppard
The White Shepherd is intelligent, friendly with children, attentive, loyal, watchful, alert, easy to teach and to train The ideal family dog, that needs close contact and is well sociable with other pets
The dog is well suited as a guide dog, companion dog, guard dog, rescue dog or search dog.
The White Shepherd needs exercise and challenges - he is well suited for all kinds of dog sports
For more information,
give us a call: 0049 209 59 44 88 or
send us an Email: whiteenergy@t-online.de